Grade Reports
Glacier View School provides parents/guardians with student academic progress reports every nine weeks (or four times during the academic year). There will also be two scheduled parent-teacher conferences. If there is need for more, the teacher will be happy to schedule additional conferences.
Students in grades 1st & 2nd are graded on a proficiency scale as follows:
I = Independent, the student can perform the noted skill without assistance.
P = Progressing, the student is making acceptable progress, but needs teacher assistance.
N = Not Tested OR Needs Improvement, the student cannot perform this skill yet.
Students in grades 3-8 will also be graded on a proficiency scale as follows:
4 = The student can teach another student this skill.
3 = The student can perform this skill independently.
2 = The student can perform this skill with teacher assistance.
1 = The student cannot perform the indicated skill yet.
All classes that are included on the report card are used to determine the students' GPAs.